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Kamran Hussain (209 views)

Global Human Resources Director

Global Human Resources Admin & Operation Expert


F-10 ISB Street 7 B Capital

General Information

  • Slogan Global Human Resources Director
  • Language Arabic, English,Urdu,Punjabi,Russian
  • Highest Degree Level PhD “industrial and organizational psychology” MBA, MSA, SPHR, SHRM
  • Total Years of Experience 17
  • Expected Job Level Manager GM VP Director

Positioning HR as a Business Partner for Excellence

A strategic HR Business Partner and EQ Practioner with 17+ years of exceptional track record strategic and innovative HR Executive who translates business vision into HR initiatives that improve performance, profitability, growth, and employee engagement. An empowering leader who supports companies and top executives with a unique perspective and appreciation that human capital is every organization’s greatest asset. The genuine influencer who thrives on tough challenges and translates visions and strategies into actionable, value-added goals.


Selinus University of Sciences and Literature Ltd Doctorate, PhD “industrial and organizational psychology

The Ph.D. in Psychology degree with a specialization in Industrial-Organizational Psychology is aligned with the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology's (SIOP) guidelines.

2015 to 2017
Central University of Michigan USA Master's degree, Master of Science in Administration

The Master of Science in Administration is an interdisciplinary degree perfect for anyone in management or administration who wants to increase their skills sets and knowledge to advance in their profession. The MSA was developed to hone skills in leadership, management, and organization for professional administrators in both the public and nonprofit sectors.

2002 to 2004
Keller Graduate School of Management DEVRY University Master's degree, MBA In Human Resources

knowledge of human capital management further by learning how to truly lead the workforce of an organization, driving success across all business

Work Experience

March 2022 to present
KH2A Ltd T/A Revite Architectural and construction- UK Group GM, Global HR Operations- Corporate Functions, UK, Pakistan, Ireland, Philippine



v  Improvingrnoperational efficiency: I focus on identifying areas of inefficiency within thernorganization and implementing strategies to streamline processes, reduce costs,rnand increase productivity.


v  Developingrnand implementing HR strategies: develop and implement HR policies andrnprocedures that align with the organization's overall goals and values, andrnthat promote employee engagement and retention.


v  Buildingrnhigh-performing teams: work to create a culture of collaboration, innovation,rnand excellence within the organization, and develop strategies to attract andrnretain top talent.


v  Drivingrnrevenue growth: focus on identifying new revenue streams or opportunities forrngrowth, and work with other members of the executive team to develop andrnimplement strategies to drive revenue and profitability.


v  Improvingrncustomer satisfaction: work to understand the needs and preferences ofrncustomers, and develop strategies to improve the quality of products orrnservices, as well as the overall customer experience.


v  Overall,rnOperations and HR responsible for driving operational excellence and developingrnstrategies to support the growth and success of the organization. MyrnAchievements in this role I  likely focusrnon improving operational efficiency, developing and implementing HR strategies,rnbuilding high-performing teams, driving revenue growth, and improving customerrnsatisfaction.


v  Managernsmall HR and recruitment team in US and provide functional leadership torninternational staff with HR responsibilities; and


v  OtherrnHR related tasks and initiatives as may be assigned from time to time.

March 2021 to March 2022
Adidas Resourcing Group GM HR/IR/ER, TND, Compliance, HSE Pakistan, Sialkot





v rnSuccessfully negotiating a collective bargainingrnagreement that satisfies both the employer and employee demands


v rnDeveloping and implementing effective employeernretention strategies resulting in decreased turnover rates


v rnImproving employee engagement and morale throughrninnovative HR programs and initiatives


v rnResolving complex workplace disputes andrnconflicts through effective mediation and conflict resolution skills


v rnAchieving measurable improvements in diversityrnand inclusion metrics, such as increasing representation of underrepresentedrngroups in the workplace




v rnEnsuring adherence to regulatory requirementsrnand standards, such as GDPR or HIPAA, to avoid penalties and legal issues


v rnDeveloping and implementing effective compliancerntraining programs to ensure employees understand their responsibilities andrnobligations


v rnConducting comprehensive audits and riskrnassessments to identify and address compliance gaps


v rnEstablishing effective compliance reportingrnmechanisms to detect and address potential violations in a timely manner


v rnCollaborating with internal and externalrnstakeholders to implement effective compliance strategies and solutions




v rnAchieving measurable reductions in workplacernaccidents, injuries, and illnesses through effective safety programs andrninitiatives


v rnDeveloping and implementing effectivernenvironmental sustainability initiatives to reduce the organization's carbonrnfootprint and improve resource efficiency


v rnConducting comprehensive risk assessments tornidentify and address potential hazards in the workplace


v rnDeveloping and implementing emergency responsernplans to mitigate the impact of workplace emergencies and disasters


v rnAchieving regulatory compliance with HSErnstandards and requirements to ensure the health and safety of employees and thernsurrounding community.

NOv 2019 March 2021
C.C Factory Pvt. Ltd GM HR/IR/ER, TND, Compliance, HSE Pakistan, Sialkot

v rnManage overall human resources operations by recruiting, selecting, orienting, training, coaching,rncounseling, and disciplining staff; maintaining compensation; designing systems; resolvingrnproblems; implementing change along with grievance handling


v rnGuide management and employee actions byrnresearching, writing, and updating policies, procedures, and guidelines; communicating and enforcing organization values and norms

feb 2016 Nov 2019
Belle International, Hong Kong Global VP HR Administration & Operation

was a senior-level executivernresponsible for overseeing human resources operations and administrativernfunctions across multiple regions and countries Included HK, China, USA,rnMalaysia. I ensure that HR processes, policies, and procedures are aligned withrnthe organization's overall goals and objectives.


My responsibilities and accomplishmentsrnare essential to ensuring that the organization has the right talent in placernto achieve its goals and objectives. 


Key Responsibilities:


§  Accomplishments being Global VP HR Administrationrn& Operation I achieved include:


§  Successfully implementing HR policies, programs,rnand initiatives that support the organization's overall strategy and goals.

rnrnDeveloping and implementing effectivernrecruitment and talent management programs that attract and 

July 2013 feb 2016
Dubai Refreshment P.J.S.C. - Pepsi Cola Bottler – Dubai –UAE, Head of HR

Asrna Head of HR I plays a critical role in the success of organization byrndeveloping and implementing effective HR strategies to attract, retain, andrndevelop top talent. My accomplishments and achievements for the DubairnRefreshment P.J.S.C. could include:


§  Talent acquisition: Successfully attracting andrnhiring top talent across various functions and levels within the organization.


§  Employee retention: Developing and implementingrnstrategies to improve employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention rates.


§  Training and development: Establishing robustrntraining and development programs to enhance employees' skills andrncapabilities, leading to improved job performance and career growth.


§  Diversity and inclusion: Promoting a culture ofrndiversity and inclusion, ensuring all employees feel valued and supported.


§  Performance management: Establishing a fair andrneffective performance management system, ensuring employees receive regularrnfeedback, and their performance is aligned with the company's goals.


§  Compensation and benefits: Developing competitiverncompensation and benefits packages that align with the company's overallrnstrategy and attract and retain top talent.


§  HR technology: Implementing and leveraging HRrntechnology solutions to improve HR processes and increase efficiency.

Aug 2009 June 2013
Emirates Islamic Bank. Dubai, UAE HR Employee Relationship Manager

My Overall, achievements of as an HR Employee RelationshiprnManager at EIB bank I measured by the successful retention and development ofrntalented employees, effective management of employee performance, attraction ofrnnew talent, and the promotion of a positive and inclusive workplace culture.


§  Employee Retention: my primary goal was for an HRrnEmployee Relationship Manager is to help retain top talent within the bank. Irnachieved by implementing employee engagement initiatives, conducting surveys,rnand offering attractive compensation and benefits packages.


§  Performance Management: as an HR EmployeernRelationship Manager I was responsible for ensuring that the bank's employeesrnare meeting their performance targets. This involves setting performance goals,rnproviding feedback and coaching, and conducting performance evaluations.


§  Recruitment and Selection: Another keyrnresponsibility was to attract and select top talent to join the bank. Thisrninvolves developing job descriptions, advertising job openings, conducting interviews,rnand making job offers.


§  Employee Relations: I also responsible forrnmaintaining positive relationships between the bank's management and itsrnemployees. This involves addressing employee concerns and grievances,rnimplementing policies and procedures, and maintaining open lines ofrncommunication.


§  Diversity and Inclusion: In today's world,rndiversity and inclusion are critical for the success of any organization, Irnplay a vital role in promoting these values within the bank. This involvesrndeveloping and implementing diversity and inclusion policies, trainingrnprograms, and initiatives.


§  Promoting a Positive Workplace Culture: I haverncreated a positive workplace culture that fosters innovation, teamwork, andrnrespect. This could be demonstrated by analyzing employee engagement surveys,rnfeedback from employees, and the bank's overall reputation in the industry.

March 2006 Aug 2009
LMG International Baby Shop LLC. Dubai, UAE HR Generalist to Human Resource Manager

Key Responsibilities:




v  Responsible for the entire gamut of functions in Human Resources for thernBabyshop Concept of Landmark Gulf Group for UAE territory as well as advise andrnprovide support to the HR Function in GCC. rn


v  Responsible for the sourcing of manpower needs for the business byrnvalidating manpower plans, preparing job descriptions, identifying


          the most cost effective mode of recruitmentrnand adhering to time lines.


v rnDrive the training function for the business by designing,rndeveloping and delivering appropriate training interventions aimed at           upgrading the skill & knowledgernbase of employees in the company.


v  Responsible for instilling rigour in the performance management processrnof the business by ensuring the setting of “SMART” objectives, trainingrnmanagers in conducting appraisals, and ensuring reviews as per time lines.


v  Responsible for presenting a fair & firm face of management to thernline managers and staff by redressing employee grievances as well as initiatingrndisciplinary action against erring employees.


v  Working out compensation revision proposals for the staff & storernmanagers in line with budgets received from corporate office.


v  Advise Line Managers as well as staff on HR policies & proceduresrnthereby ensuring effective implementation. rn


v  Implementation of HRMS – Oracle.




  Primary Challenges:




v  Streamlining HR activities and establishing credibility for the HRrnFunction.


v  Building a cohesive unit by facilitating the aligning of individual’srnstrengths and activities towards team purpose.


v  Measuring the pulse of the employees with a view to maintain high moralernof over 590 employees.


v  Upgrade knowledge base of employees and facilitate a learningrnenvironment.


v  Develop & Implement a Fast Track Management Scheme for the Business.


v  Provide HR support and consultation to other Babyshop stores in G.C.C.




Key Results/ Achievements:




v rnSuccessfully streamlined systems pertaining tornrecruitment, training and performance management by instilling rigour in thernprocess and thereby ensuring credibility to the activities. Created policy andrnprocedures manual including sections on terms of employment, health &rnsafety, staff accommodation, recruitment for store/regional managers in orderrnto reduce the number of inquiries sent to HR


and consequently increasing HR’s productivity and empowering storernmanagers.  




v  Designed, developed and delivered training programmes ranging from halfrnday to two days on Induction, Time Management, Leadership Skills, Team workingrnto the 39 Area / Store Managers as well as Customer Service to the 590 staffrnemployees of the company. These modules were also forwarded to other stores inrnG.C.C.


v  Recruited over 150 sales associates worldwide including those fromrnPhilippines, Egypt, SriLanka, Nepal as well as India to meet business needsrnafter preparing detailed organograms for each stores and clear job descriptionsrnfor each role.


v  Facilitated the process of making of modules on product knowledge forrnall 5 major departments of the business.


v  Initiated the process of circle meetings every fortnight amongst staffrnemployees with a view to provide recognition as well as    opportunities of expression to highrnperformers.


v  Conceptualized and implemented a Fast Track Management Scheme resultingrnin delivering of over 10 managers to the business.


v  Worked along with Corporate IT department to implement HRMS – Oracle.

Summary of Skills

Strategic Planning Skills:
Financial Planning Skills:
Interpersonal Skills
Leadership Skills
Analytical Skills
Organized and Efficient
HR Best Practices Employee Relations & Diversity
Talent Acquisition
Staff Coaching & Mentoring
Organizational Development Employee Performance Improvement
Leadership Development HR Policy, Process & Systems Design
Change Management Workforce Planning & Development

Contact Kamran Hussain

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